
Git gui client for windows 7 and own repository
Git gui client for windows 7 and own repository

git gui client for windows 7 and own repository

GitHub was created as a result of git‘s success.

git gui client for windows 7 and own repository git gui client for windows 7 and own repository

In addition to the local repositories that sit on developer’s computers and, perhaps, on a central server on the network, it’s a good practice to have an off-site, or remote, repository. With Git, a project’s codebase is stored in repositories. There are millions of people using it-literally. It’s now the world’s most widely adopted version control software. Linus Torvalds, the creator of the Linux kernel, developed a version control program called Git to administer the Linux kernel codebase. Version control systems hold all previous versions of each file in the codebase, and every change is recorded, commented on, and tracked. It’s not surprising, then, that software programs called version control systems exist to make the management of changes to the codebase easier. However, the one universal truth across all software projects is this: the source code files are the crown jewels, and they need to be looked after just as carefully. Other times, the source code runs inside an interpreter and doesn’t need to be compiled, and so on. Sometimes, other programs generate the text files. In practice, you’ll find all sorts of variations on that model. That’s a simplified version of events, but it paints a correct-if generalized-picture. The version of the program that can actually run on a computer is called the binary or the executable. The text files of instructions are called the source code. This produces the executable version of the program. A program called a compiler then processes these files. The instructions that make up a computer program are written, edited, and saved in text files.


Have you been told to “clone the repo and build it,” and don’t know what to do next? We’ll show you how to get that program on GitHub running on Linux, even if you’re a beginner.

Git gui client for windows 7 and own repository